Getting stuck in a rut — it happens more than we plan. Your faith and trust in the Lord get shaken — it’s the nature of living in a fallen world. We are weak. We have battles to face. You might be losing a loved one, you might be dealing with hard times at work, you might feel useless or unloved, or you might just be dealing with pains of the everyday. Your heart might be withering away with the burdens of the day, and you feel more alone than ever.
But see, you’re not alone. At least, you don’t have to be alone. If you decide that you’re alone and want to deal with your problems your own way, misery loves your company, and it welcomes your camaraderie. However, misery is a choice, not a necessity. If you’re blind to happiness by choice, then you’ll never see its presence; and the truth is, joy in the midst of circumstances is closer than you realize. It is immediate and fully encompasses everything wonderful. Your weakness is even greater proof of a glorious Saviour that is waiting to lift you up.
Do you ever rejoice in your inability to deal with a situation? 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” Think about the times in life when you are riding high and have limited problems—there is no reason to worry and concern yourself with seeking God’s presence; but at the bottom, there is much more room for Christ to have his way in our lives. When we have nothing to rejoice about and no strength to hold us up, our selfish nature is no longer in the way. Christ’s power takes up a new dwelling in our hearts because there is much more room for His presence in our lives. Apart from Christ, our lives are filled with the gunk of the world, but in our weakness we are refilled with His strength that renews us. Christ is MORE THAN ENOUGH to renew our hearts, but we have to be willing to let Him in. When we are weak, we have reason to rejoice—we have more room for Christ to fill our lives.
When you are emptied of your own strength, let Christ fill you with His power. Rejoice in the new spaces of your heart that He can take over. The apostle Paul knew that more weaknesses led to more of Christ’s presence in his life, so instead of feeling down, he praised. He gave thanks for the power that renewed.
So, feeling weak? Feeling burdened? Rejoice. There is so much room in your life right now for Christ to come in and lift you up. He’s there and He’s ready to come in. Isaiah 41:10 assures us, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” So, live no more in the pain that you feel and trust in the strength and help that the Lord freely gives. Cling to His presence. Rejoice in His grace. Live in His hope. Thrive in His strength.